Looking for a Host Family for Vegetarian Exchange Students!
Academic Year in America (AYA) is currently looking for a host families for high school aged vegetarian students coming to study in the USA beginning in August 2019. Families can serve as a “Welcome” family (1-2 month commitment), “Semester” (5 month commitment), or full academic year (10 month commitment). Please consider opening your heart and home to an international student.
Serving as a host family is a volunteer position, but the blessings for American families extend way past the academic year. The goal of AYA is to “bring the world together” through the deliberate acts of public diplomacy created through student exchange. Relationships built with students and families extend way past the exchange year and help American families come to learn and appreciate the culture of distant countries without having to leave their home.
Host families provide 3 meals a day, a bed and place to study for their students. Most importantly, families provide love and support a student needs as they adapt to the culture and daily life of an American teenager.
Click my name or give me a call, Tom Starita (203) 399-5082
Meet Anna-Magdalena!
Age: 16 | Germany
My name is Anna. I’m a 16 year old girl from Germany. I have 4 siblings – 3 brothers and 1 sister. I get along with my siblings very good. Also I have a very good relationship with my parents. I love spending time with them especially doing fun day trips like go skiing. I also like to play board games with them. I´m on a Realschule (secondary school) and I´m in 10th grade. My favorite subjects are art, English and also sports. Tennis is my absolutely favorite sports! I really love to play tennis and I do it about two times a week. Also dancing Hip-Hop is a big passion of me. I really love dancing! I do it one time a week. Also I volunteer in my local gymnastics club two times a week. There, I train little kids in doing gymnastics! I really love to do stuff with kids!!! When the museum in my town needs any help for a event, I sometimes also work there. In my free time I additionally cook! I love to try out new vegetarian recipes (because I’m a vegetarian). I´m so excited about going to an American High-school for one year because it has been a big dream of me for a long time!! I really want to get to know the American culture better, which is the reason I’m going to do this exchange year!!
Meet Franziska!
Age: 15 | Germany
My name is Franziska. I live in a beautiful house with a garden. I live there with my parents and my older brother who is 17 years old. I do not have an animal because my father is allergic to the hair of the animals, but I love animals. My family eats meet and fish, but I’m a vegetarian. I’m going to the 9th grade in a public school. When it comes to school I am ambitious. In school my favorite subjects are English, PE and Biology. I am a volunteer medical paramedic. I started acrobatics when I was 10 years old and I still love doing it. When I was 6 I started playing the violin, but I have stopped doing it last year, because I had not enough time for school, doing circus and playing the violin. On Thursdays I’m going to a dance lesson, we dance old fashioned. So waltz, disco and so on. In the evenings I help my family cooking or laying the table and often studying for exams. Sometimes I babysit my neighbors kids. In the future I want to be a psychologist and I want to help other people. I want to do an exchange year to improve my English skills and just to be more self-confident.
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